![Agent of Heels: Misadventures of Agent Romanov [beWilder]](https://pronstars.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/29166_zy13fhntlksw11xdxtvdln7epxszwo8zn_vfo2wlwprj8mwzqoz3ystodmo-daw2-1024x256.jpg)
Обзор : Агент Романов является активным агентом каблуков и принимает участие в миссиях время от времени. Некоторые из них оказываются немного хуже, чем ожидалось, но она никогда не оказывалась в ситуации, с которой она не могла справиться самостоятельно … до сих пор.
Помогите агенту Романову выбрать правильные решения (или нет), поскольку она обнаруживает и взаимодействует с новой формой жизни. Посмотрите, как она освободилась от борьбы с действительно… действительно агрессивным паразитом или помогите ей стать все более и более сильной, когда она потеряет то, что осталось от ее человечности. История твоя; мы просто заботимся о написании. История будет развиваться по мере того, как пользователи просят об этом, так что вы можете сами принимать решения внутри и вне игры. История, очевидно, уже написана, но на камне ничего не вырезано. Если у вас достаточно большое зубило, вы найдете камень, который вам нужен, в этих опросах и постах Патреона.
Тема обновлена : 2025-02-24
Дата выпуска : 2025-02-13
Разработчик / Издатель : beWilder Patreon
Цензура : Нет
Версия : 0.27
ОС : Windows, Mac, Linux
Язык : английский
Жанр : 3DCG, Приключения, Женский главный герой, Сексуальные девушки, Большие сиськи, Большая задница, Монстры, Иностранцы, Щупальца, Пародия, Шантаж, Коррупция, Эксгибиционизм, Женское доминирование, Footjob, Ощупывание, Групповой секс, Мастурбация, Лесбиянка, Доминирование мужчин, Мастурбация, Ум Контроль, Многократный главный герой, Оральный секс, Владение, Проституция, Ролевые игры, Раздевание, Суперспособности, Дразнить, Трансформация, Вагинальный секс, Вуайеризм
— Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.25.0
⦁ Weight: 3.52 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 3.49 GB
— Content
This version is the opening movements in a multi-phase End Game final Mission #3 for Natasha and the initial Agents of Heels instalment. Its content is solely dedicated to “Heels Nat”, the paths of Good Nat and the Corrupt Nats that did not side with Ivy/Maeda previously. Later updates will cover the remaining Nats mission Intros.
A total of 7 new Main Story Scenes for Heels Nat, and 4 scene variants, all as a part of Mission #3. Unlike previous updates, this final Mission runs in sequence, as these smaller scenes are blended one after the other to make on large meta-scene that is the Mission. This scene will also blend with the end of the Mission #3 preamble scenes as well.
2 Introduction routes to the mission action, dictated by Nat’s personality, Good or Corrupt, with a Corrupt Variant for one depending on Mission #1 decisions.
2 Perimeter Action routes, again dictated by Nat’s personality, Good or Corrupt, with distinct x-rated results based on the path.
1 Initial Assault scene, common to both Good and Corrupt Nat, with each getting its own text variants on the experience.
2 Inflection Point routes to end Phase 1 of Heel’s Nat’s mission, dictated by the player’s previous side content completion efforts and choices. Each of these two routes come in two text variants, one each for Good and Corrupt Nat, making it 4 scenes in total. X-rated content is also found here, though vary in intensity across the paths. Heels Nat’s Phase 2 will pick up directly after both these points in a later release.
4 mix-and-match paths through the first phase of Mission #3 for Heels Nat, as past consequences, new decisions, and potential allies all come to bear on Nat as she makes her way to her biggest battle yet. That’s 2 distinct possible mid-mission outcomes attainable for Good Nat and Corrupt Nat (same set for both), decided by the player’s previous actions to date.
Among the new scenes added, there is included notable length 2 x-rated sequences of mid-mission sexual encounters. These are tailored to fit the narrative and the feel of a mission as best suited.
2 new outfit variants, as 2 of our more iconic looks reappear with custom made, semi-permanent clothing damage effects. Additionally, there are 2 new male outfits as well. Jymes’ British Bulldog battle clothes (and exercise gear), and Heels Sec defender armour set #1.
⦁ There is no added time in playable days to this version, as the game is in its final stretch now. Revamps and improvements to the gameplay sections will come post Mission #3.
⦁ 113 new CGs, ~55,000 words of new text. (That’s 40-80% additional content over a standard release).
— Features
⦁ This version contains all the first phase of Mission #3 for Heels Nat, the combination of Good and Corrupt Nat who have stayed loyal to the Heels Agency. All new content is focused entirely on Nat’s counter-assault on Heels’ enemies forces. Some of the scenes / paths are mutually exclusive due to previous decisions or paths in the game!
⦁ 2 Distinct introduction routes for previously Good Nats and Corrupt Nats each, as important elements of her past decisions come into play from the very start.
⦁ This new section of the game largely takes place in one super-environment, an outdoor NYC street system, with over 100+ manually set props, 150+ custom textures, 100+ shaders, numerous weapons effects (from electricity to heavy artillery fire) and a new dedicated lighting rig for the scene.
A newly developed clothing damage designer system as implemented by us for the first time. 2 of our most favourite mission outfits take cumulative trauma and fabric damage through mission work (et all), and so we’ve reflected tearing, ripping, cutting and burning effects on tough materials, resulting in 2 new “Outfit Variants”. This is a very first Alpha test for our abilities in this regard, and something unique we’ve not seen in contemporary games so far, so while we are highly excited by this prospect and it’s first results, it is still a long-term “work in progress” as we find opportunities to use this appropriately in future releases/games
— Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve become aware of an important bug in our decision/path tracking after Mission #2 which was an important goof on out part. For those who ended Mission #2 with a blown up boat, the main story would stall for some folks on the Bad Nat path. We’ve gone back and made the needed fixes, so hopefully things will run well again there. Do let us know if you experience this again in future. Thanks to all those who pointed these out to us!– Do they need to start over? Are saves fine? Does this fix the Good/Bad Nat bleed over?
⦁ We’ve also become aware during the above investigation on a similar set of variables, we’ve discovered and fixed issues with Corrupt Nat seeing scenes meant exclusively for Good Nat, based on a misread of variables during Mission #2. We made the silly mistake of accounting for the path there and not later actions taken into account, and there for players who went from Good to Corrupt during Mission #2 would trigger things like the vaccine creation scene before Mission #3.
⦁ One more small bug fix we’ve uncovered from this same original prompt, now the mini-scenes with Catwoman caught by the monster will play in the correct order and not be pre-empted by scenes that should come after.
— Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS’s Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user’s end. «Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won’t let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 «/appdirectory/» from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/AoH_023_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened.» Repeat: Then you’ve got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ We have one Known Issue with the Gallery UI which will be taken care of in future versions, when time permits. The scenes listed in the UI all come with a colour coded icon in the top left which denotes which version of Nat it corresponds too (Standard/Common path, Good, Corrupt and Bad). However, for now this icon is only denoting Standard/Common for all scenes, which will need to be manually fixed for each scene in future. For now, the scene name text label denotes which path the scene should correspond to.
⦁ There is a known issue involving the main story and conditions on the Nat character paths. If the player ignores the main story to the point they miss completing Mission #1 (Day 5ish start) by the time Mission #2 kicks off (Day 12), they will be stuck in a limbo state of having missed the main plot of the game. We will be resolving this minuscule player experience in future versions, possibly with a Bad End since Nat has purposely ignored all story actions for weeks, until after it’s too late to resolve the story. Anyway, a heads up on it, try not to do that alright?
Be Bold and beWilder!
Important bug fix.
— Community Feedback
⦁ Fixed an important bug affecting the display of a handful of scene CGs that comes from a previously accounted for Unity3D engine limitation based around 4GB sized files. We’ve added a workaround for now, by compressing as much of the non-CG image files in the game as possible. Further overhauls may be needed in the future, but for now this should allow for an uninterrupted game experience now. Thanks to Art for reporting this bug!
Be Bold and beWilder!
Who’s ready to get down with their Bad Nat selves? Huh? Well have we got the thing for you! It’s always a great day in our books when we have a release, and today is one such day! It’s time to suit up again and take New York by storm, as only our red head agent can, now that Agents of Heels is updated and expanded! Bad Nat’s path to her vengeance and to Heels’ door now paved and it’s up to you to lead her each step down until we meet with our fated ends. Just how will it go, and who can possibly stop her now? We’ll find out as Mission #3 comes to bear at last!
0.24.0 Patch Notes
— Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.24.1
⦁ Weight: 3.53 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 3.55 GB
— Content
This version is the continuation and end of the End Game phase’s preamble, specifically and heavily focused on Bad Nat’s introduction to Mission #3 and the Solo loyalties path to the final game phase. There is also some final preamble content added for Corrupt Nat, by popular demand.
Heads Up!While not necessary, it is advised that Bad Nat players now, like Good and Corrupt Nat players were in the previous version, keep a copy of a save of your playthrough thus far, as once the introduction to Mission #3’s day begins in this version, you will be kept within event line until the conclusion of the Mission for all future content versions.
⦁ 3 new Main Story Scenes for Bad Nat. 1 is a short reintroduction to the main story, reengaging for the beginning of Mission #3, as well as being a notice to players to ready for the End Game. Bad Nat’s Mission #3 begins in scene 2: tired of waiting and building up her newly awakened Ivy powers, Nat readies herself for the fight of her life ahead and she knows there’s no going back. Finally, if she’s burning bridges, she’s taking some things with her. Big things, with a lot of power!
⦁ 1 new Main Story Scene for Corrupt Nat, for those sided with the villains, picking up where the last left off. Now that a tentative trial run as the Maeda Cartel’s Captain and Tatsuro’s personal bodyguard is on the table, it’s time he dress our girl in his colours, or at least send her out to fight for him in a new uniform of less than tactical design and with no regrets left between them.
⦁ Added 3 playable days to Bad Nat’s playtime (up to Day 25 – Final Day), matching Good and Corrupt Nat’s opportunities and the Mission timeline. Bad Nat now has all the time needed and more to complete all side content and exploration at an easy pace before Mission #3 automatically begins. Please note, the other Nats have not been given (or need) any additional time.
⦁ 73 new CGs, ~21,650 words of new text.
— Features
⦁ This version contains all the scenes in the preamble build-up to Mission #3 for Bad Nat and continuing our End Game phase for the Corrupt Nat (Maeda/Ivy) path. (Good Nat’s preamble is complete). As of this version, we now have all 3 Nats ready and on the verge of our Main Mission #3 action. Alright!
⦁ 2 New Outfits, both new permanent looks for Nat to keep on through the final stages of the game, showing her loyalties, or lack there of, on her very body for all to see.
⦁ In addition to the new outfits, all 3 of Nat’s final mission suits have been added to the game’s portraits display, as well as a newly added character for this version’s main scene.
— Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve taken yet another short list of typos down from eagle-eyed players who have reported them. We’ve updated 3 scenes with cleaner texts. There are of course, countless more to find and correct, more than any 2-man team can completely quality control. If you find more, please let us know so we can attempt a future correction before we reach the end of the game’s development. Thanks to all those who pointed these out to us!
⦁ We’re still on the lookout for Good Nat/Bad Nat content bleed-through after received word some time ago of some potential errors in scene conditions. Specifically this refers to the Good Nat path post Mission #2, where some Bad Nat exclusive (and mutually exclusive with Good) scenes play between Good Nat’s. We suspect this is due to the player’s ability to change paths during Mission #2, but so far we have been unable to recreate the situation on our end after fixing a similar issue in a recent version. We’re on the lookout for any sign of this bug, so please aid us with community feedback if you find this is happening to you.
— Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS’s Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user’s end. «Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won’t let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 «/appdirectory/» from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/AoH_023_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened.» Repeat: Then you’ve got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ We have one Known Issue with the Gallery UI which will be taken care of in future versions, when time permits. The scenes listed in the UI all come with a colour coded icon in the top left which denotes which version of Nat it corresponds too (Standard/Common path, Good, Corrupt and Bad). However, for now this icon is only denoting Standard/Common for all scenes, which will need to be manually fixed for each scene in future. For now, the scene name text label denotes which path the scene should correspond to.
⦁ There is a known issue involving the main story and conditions on the Nat character paths. If the player ignores the main story to the point they miss completing Mission #1 (Day 5ish start) by the time Mission #2 kicks off (Day 12), they will be stuck in a limbo state of having missed the main plot of the game. We will be resolving this minuscule player experience in future versions, possibly with a Bad End since Nat has purposely ignored all story actions for weeks, until after it’s too late to resolve the story. Anyway, a heads up on it, try not to do that alright?
0.23.0 Patch Notes
— Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.23.0
⦁ Weight: 4.33 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 3.31 GB
— Content
This version is the continuation of the End Game phase for Good Nat, and the beginning of the same End Game for Corrupt Nat, including both sets of loyalties. From here on, the defining feature of the paths is who you’ve chosen to side with: Heels, Ivy and Maeda, or Solo (coming later).
Heads Up!While not necessary, it is advised that Corrupt Nat players, like Good Nat players were in the previous version, keep copy of a save of your playthrough thus far, as once the introduction to Mission #3’s day begins in this version, you will be kept within event line until the conclusion of the Mission for all future versions.
⦁ SPOILER 3 new Main Story Scenes for Corrupt Nat, for those who have stayed loyal to Heels. One is a short reintroduction to the main story, kickstarting the Mission #3 and acting as a notice to players to ready for the End Game. Nat’s Mission #3 kicks off with some worry as she deals with internal affairs. She’s got to get back on her feet long enough to get the job done, but with time not on her side, she’ll need some new tools for the job, and she’ll get them.
⦁ SPOILER 2 new Main Story Scene for Corrupt Nat, for those sided with the villains. Maeda has found himself on the backfoot in a dangerous game, and he’s only got one chance to escape his fate. Luckily, he’s been working an inside source, so what will Nat do when push comes to shove?
⦁ SPOILER 1 new Mission #3 Scene for Good Nat, picking up where her last encounter with Scout left off. A detour on the way to HQ is a risk, but its needed, because without every tool in her arsenal Heels is in real trouble. A hero has got to rise to the occasion.
⦁ Added 3 playable days to Corrupt Nat’s playtime (up to Day 25), matching Good Nat’s and the Mission timeline. Corrupt Nat now also has the time needed to complete all side content and exploration at an easy pace before Mission #3 automatically begins. Please note, Bad Nat has no additional content, or time.
⦁ 71 new CGs, ~28,400 words of new text.
— Features
⦁ This version contains the first scenes in the preamble build-up to Mission #3 for Corrupt Nat and continuing our End Game phase for the Good Nat path. (Bad Nat still to come). As of this version, we now have 2 of the 3 Nats we’ve come to know and love toeing the line on the opening of the Main Mission #3 action.
⦁ 2 New Outfits, including 1 new permanent looks to see Nat through to the final stages of the game. Nat’s Good/Corrupt/Bad qualities begin to take second priority to her choice of allegiances as we reach the climax action of Mission #3 now for 3 of our 4 distinct combinations of paths.
⦁ SPOILER The birth of an icon is complete! The Black Widow rises!
— Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve taken another short list of typos down from eagle-eyed players who have reported them. We’ve updated about half a dozen scenes with minor fixes, as well as fixed a few broken portraits as well. There are of course, countless more to find and correct, more than any 2-man team can completely quality control. If you find more, please let us know so we can attempt a future correction before we reach the end of the game’s development. Thanks to all those who pointed these out to us!
⦁ We’ve received word some time ago of some potential errors in scene conditions, specifically on the Good Nat path post Mission #2, where some Bad Nat exclusive (and mutually exclusive with Good) scenes play between Good Nat’s. We suspect this is due to the player’s ability to chance paths during Mission #2, but so far we have been unable to recreate the situation on our end after fixing a similar issue in a recent version. We’re on the lookout for any sign of this bug, so please aid us with community feedback if you find this is happening to you.
— Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS’s Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user’s end. «Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won’t let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 «/appdirectory/» from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/AoH_023_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened.» Repeat: Then you’ve got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ We have one Known Issue with the Gallery UI which will be taken care of in future versions, when time permits. The scenes listed in the UI all come with a colour coded icon in the top left which denotes which version of Nat it corresponds too (Standard/Common path, Good, Corrupt and Bad). However, for now this icon is only denoting Standard/Common for all scenes, which will need to be manually fixed for each scene in future. For now, the scene name text label denotes which path the scene should correspond to.
⦁ There is a known issue involving the main story and conditions on the Nat character paths. If the player ignores the main story to the point they miss completing Mission #1 (Day 5ish start) by the time Mission #2 kicks off (Day 12), they will be stuck in a limbo state of having missed the main plot of the game. We will be resolving this minuscule player experience in future versions, possibly with a Bad End since Nat has purposely ignored all story actions for weeks, until after it’s too late to resolve the story. Anyway, a heads up on it, try not to do that alright?
Дополнительно: Пошаговое руководство

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