A House In The Rift [v0.7.6r3] [Zanith]

A House In The Rift [v0.4.6 Public] [Zanith]

Обзор: Вы были брошены в пространственный разрыв и понятия не имеете, что делать. Тем не менее, другие побеги из разных реальностей присоединяются к вам один за другим, чтобы сформировать вечную связь доверия, дружбы и физической близости.

Красивые девушки из разных фантазийных размеров заботятся о тебе в течение дня, а затем ты уезжаешь, исследуя странные странности всю ночь. И вы можете испечь пироги с суккубом, бороться с гигантским сладострастным пиратским капитаном, изучать магию с помощницей молодой девушки, а затем делать с ними и внеклассные занятия.
Влюбись в девушек, падай с ними в постель и каждую ночь впадай в разные трещины!

Тема Изменено : 2024-05-06
Дата выпуска : 2024-03-19
Разработчик : Zanith Patreon — Discord — Twitter
Цензура: Нет
Версия : 0.7.6r3
ОС : Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Язык : Английский
Жанр : 3DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, Corruption, Creampie, Handjob, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Titfuck, Harem, Cuddling

Журнал изменений
Take Lyriel on a hike
See Naomi try to keep doing things her way
Then fail and hit rock bottom
And finally emerge and make peace
In the meantime, let Rae demonstrate her oral skills

Lyriel’s dishwashing activtiy remaster

Be surprised by a flying Blair
Have a talk about portals
Discover Cait’s hideout
And witness the logical conclusion of Naomi’s bashful impressment attempts
Get Cait soaking wet and horny and do her right there in the library

v0.7.4R2 Early Access
Have a seemingly unimportant conversation with Blair
Ask Yona about a book she picked up
See a dollhouse appearing in the living room one morning
Check out the remaster of Lyriel’s post-dishwashing handjob, and a new secret animation variation

v0.7.3R3 Early Access
Wake up to Rae standing over your bed with her impish smile
Hear a lot of true stories and tall tales from Naomi
Experience a banging show in the special Xmas event
And take a cute deer for a ride
Check out remastered version of Cait’s Story 1 & 2 and Naomi’s Story 1 when you get to do yet another playthrough

v0.7.2 r3
Set off the Xmas fireworks

v0.7.2 Early Access
See Naomi bouncing back
And letting Cait throw a punch
Help teach Cait some techniques related to ropes and knots
Check out Rae’s remastered welcome blowie
Experience the afterhmath of Lyriel’s last visit to Taena’s inn
Help a poor hungry succubus fill up for the day

v0.7.1 Early Access
Rae requests a moment of your time
Lyriel asks, no, begs you to go back to Taena’s
And gets concerned
You both meet a shady character
And then get to witness a curious scene
Additionally, get pinned down and sexed in the Halloween dream
Rae’s first sex scene remaster delayed to 0.7.2, sorry, folks.

The story continues with a flashback and a social visit
And opening a bunch of narrow ether slits
Then Cait comes to you in the night
Help settle an argument (coming soon)
And take part in the first non-dream ffm scene (coming soon)

v0.6.16r1 — Early Access
See Naomi undress Rae, Lyriel and Blair with some help from a magical item
Let Blair enact glorious revenge on Naomi while she’s getting choked
Visit the University with Cait and get to know a cute creature
Help Yona approach her wifely duties from a different perspective
Check out new hang outs with Lyriel and Blair
Track said hangouts (and the others) with the help of new quest-like items for Blair, Cait and Naomi (tracking for Rae and Lyriel activities coming in future versions)

Big technical upgrade, you can play the hi-res version on Android again
Celebrate an important date with Cait’s
And have an important conversation with her
Visit the University and dig into some juicy secrets
Sex scenes remasters

v0.6.14 — Early Access
Experience new approached to Lyriel in a blouse

v0.6.14 Master Release Post — Beta
Show Blair something special

And get her to a sex shop

Behold a needy Lyriel’s asking you to come to her room

See Cait smoke

And Lyriel lament her existence

Something more, perhaps (coming to EA)

v0.6.13 Master Release Post — Early Access
Get an explanation from Rae

Visit Tiberum with her and make them say your name

Look at Rae in a very revealing outfit

Sneak into a market under the guise of a musician (or a trader)

Get a special dance from Rae

Make Lyriel wear that blouse and skirt combo to bed

Meet Rae’s old friend


Catch Rae and hold her close

Sit side by side with her on a roof

And let her ride you after (or don’t)

Let her show your the world(s)

Sneak a peek of an important new character

Yona’s story continues
Meet another shaman and a whole bunch of strangers
Find a very flustered Lyriel in a library
Don’t let her get away with it just like that
Have a good look at a spirit weapon

Yona sees some dreams
Rae joins you and Yona on a walk
Surprise night visit from an almost completely naked Rae
Some stealthy shenanigans with Blair featuring a singing fish!
Rae’s missionary sex scene remaster

Naomi shares an important bit of information
Weird items appear in the house and require investigating
Cait finds a barrier device
Naomi and Lyriel play a game

Naomi’s story continues
Visits to the pirate ship
Xmas event
New hidden items
Spanish Fan Translation courtesy of MazinoGamer

New Halloween scene
Blaigician animation
Naomi’s story push
A concerned Cait

The main story continues with a poof
House Sentiment Survey
New side scene for Cait
Cait shower scene remaster

Rae’s new story arc begins
5 new scenes, visits to Lady Sirenia
Shower sex scene remaster
New shower activity

New event chain for Cait
New event for Lyriel
New sex scene for Lyriel
New activity with Lyirel
New mini-activity with Rae

Important Story Event
Scary Stories — group event
Watching TV with Blair
Another talk with Blair
Blair solo show repeat leading into
First MC/Blair sex scene

4 new quests for Blair
Her first lewd scene
Sequel to Annie’s bonus dream

7 encounters with Blair over 4 quests finishing her starting arc
Including magic tricks and rituals
And various shower-related antics
Bonus animated dream with Annie (petite blonde girl from the intro) (with partial voice acting)
New Wed Nip bonus pics in-game

v0.6.0 r2
Blair gets into the house
With a bit of backstory
With a few in-house encounters
And with some pinups in the in-game phone gallery

Cait going to Earth and getting her glasses
Then showing them off
Lyriel dressing up. Or down?
Some Nip Weds in the in-game gallery

Xmas/Holidays event
But it’s really huge
7 parts, 200+ renders, almost 2 minutes of animations (most of it is Doina dancing, but she got some moves and curves!)
Naomi’s side sex scene
Repeatable morning tea with Rae (three new conversations)

Four new events for Rae
Dinner date with her
Socializing with humans
An invitation?
New sex scene for Lyriel
Shower story dream remaster

Two new main story event
First daylight etherwalk
Night date with Rae
Shopping for clothes with Rae
And another scene with Rae
New sex scene with Rae
New branch for the Halloween dream
Integrated partial Russian fan translation by Fodyc

Major overhaul of the quest log/hint system
New event for Cait
Repeatable sex with Cait
New sex scene with Rae
New sex scene with Lyri
New lewd scene with Cait

Cait’s story continues with 5 new events
The Scene with her
Meeting her friends
New Bunny Lounge scene (threesome with Annie)

4 new Lyriel’s «servant» route events
Shower with Lyriel
New sex scene with her
New Barmaids dream

Cait’s story picking up
6 new «quests»
About 9 new encounters in total

Bunny Lounge dream

«Lyriel’s First Time» event rerendered with a different lighting setup
New event with her
Repeatable sex with her new intros and outros and more kissing
New Barmaids dream starring Viorel (she’s very eager to swallow everything)
Full occupation change system

Lyriel’s current story arc is (mostly) finished
The Event with her

New Lyriel’s story arc (about 10 encounters)
Cait’s swimming lessons progression
New Cait’s lewd — pool blow (will become repeatable later)
Fivesome with some hot elven barmaids (two huge animations)
Rae’s Questions and Sleep Aid HJ remasters

New Yona lewd (will become repeatable in Beta)
5 new encounters with Yona (ending her intro story arc)
2 new encounters with a very wet Cait

Yona’s story quest
Yona’s first lewd
Lyriel/Cait crossover event
Lyriel poolside repeatable lewd
Yona/Naomi crossover event and additional activity’

Yona’s appearance — new main cast girl
2 starting story route events for Yona
2 pairs of Yona’s in-game CGs (hidden items)
Rae’s pre-reveal lewd remaster (4 new anims)

Minor fixes

Событие открытия купальника Лири
Повторяющееся сексуальное событие мечты Наоми
Спрайты Лири в купальниках
Повторяющаяся тусовка Кейт у бассейна
Доработка спрайта Кейт + спрайты купальника
4 новых скрытых предмета, 8 бонусных компьютерных игр

Событие открытия купальника Рэй
Событие открытия купальника Кейт
Показ купальника Наоми
Повторяющаяся активность Рэй у бассейна
Маслянистая непристойная Рэй
Предложения по профессии — Лириэль и Рэй на данный момент
Спрайты в купальниках для Рэй и Наоми

Новая цепочка сюжетных событий
Показывая новую мечту с Дженни и тетей Вив, с 9 анимациями
И разблокировка нового расширения Дома
Новые спрайты для Рэй
Хеллоуин: 200 рендеров и еще 4 анимации

Исправлена ​​ошибка

Особая мечта покровителя — Послушная дева Лириэль (более 2 минут новых анимаций)
2 новых личных события для Кейт
1 новое анимированное событие / повторяемое для Кейт
анимированный повторяемый для Рэй
повторяемые сценарии ужина с 4 девушками

Версия 0.4.12r1
Групповое мероприятие — ужин 2
Сюжетное событие Лириэль
Другой непристойный Лириэль
4 новых скрытых объекта и 8 новых игровых компьютерных игр.

Версия 0.4.11r1
Новое событие Лириэль
Новое занятие Лириэль и повторяемая активность — 7 мини-событий с одним мини-непристойным
Новый анимированный разврат для Лириэль
Обновленный просмотр телевизора, повторяемый для Рэй — 9 мини-событий (некоторые очень милые)
Возможность изменить имя MC
Новый спрайтовый движок (только для Lyriel в этом выпуске)

Версия 0.4.10r2
Исправлена ​​ошибка, из-за которой значение порока непристойности Лириэль было слишком высоким.
Новое мероприятие Lyriel — первый домашний секс
Два домашних повторения секса для Лириэль (в зависимости от события)
Кроссовер Лириэль / Кейт
Мытье посуды с повторяемым действием Lyriel — 14 мини-мероприятий
Уборка библиотеки с повторяющимся действием Lyriel — 7 мини-мероприятий

Patreon Codes:
New Plaything — onaleash
Obedient Maid — myelvishmaid





Сжатые официальные


Обновление (v0.7.5a1 -> v0.7.6r3)



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